- Approved
- PM Design
- PM Manufacture
- PM Construction
- BokLok Flex UK Timber Framed Modular Construction System
BokLok Flex UK Timber Framed Modular Construction System
All timber system with external walls, internal walls, floors and roof timbers spaced at 600mm centres. Rim beams at floor and ceiling serve as lintels over openings. Maximum size of module: 3795mm width, 8590mm length and 3272 height.
Durability Assessment: minimum 60 years
Limits on scope
- Maximum 4 storeys for residential use;
- Bottom members minimum 150mm above external ground level;
- Minimum 20mm drained and ventilated cavity behind external wall claddings;
- Adequate sub-floor ventilation must be maintained to the void below the ground floor of not less than 1500mm2/m of wall length or 500mm2/m2 of floor area. Adequate cross ventilation must be maintained;
- The ground below the lowest module must be sealed to minimise ground moisture entering the void, e.g., DPM + 50mm oversite concrete;
- BoKlok Housing Ltd. must be contracted for the design, manufacture, supply and erection of the structure;
- A chartered structural engineer suitably experienced in the design of this type of structure must be sub- contracted for the structural analysis and design.