
  • Approved


  • PM Construction
  • Manufacture
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  • UNisystem SFS
  • UNisystem LB

Description of the British Offsite Unipanel, Uniwall Non loadbearing products (UNisystem SFS)

This British Offsite range comprises of closed panel factory assembled Light Gauge Steel (LGS) Non loadbearing external and internal wall panels , assembled on site to form apartment units and corridors. Items such as the external envelope, sub-structure, cores, and finishes are project specific. The typical plan layout shown in the technical manual appears to show that the central stair core is constructed of concrete The UNiwalls and UNipanels are not connected to the core but load bearing elements would be.

The UNipanel and UNiwall products are supplied with Internal and external sheathing boards and filled with insulation which provides both thermal and fire performance.

The products act as infill panels to be used in conjunction with either Reinforced Concrete or Steel Frame where the columns of the relevant materials form the primary load bearing elements.

The UNipanel units are used in the external wall of a building and the UNiwall units form party walls within the building.

Both these products are temporarily used as load bearing whilst a concrete floor above cures, after which the head deflection screws are removed allowing the panels to deflect as designed.

Description of the British Offsite Unipanel, Uniwall and Unifloor products. (UNisystem LB)

The British OffsiteLB system comprises of closed panel factory assembled Light Gauge Steel (LGS) loadbearing external and internal wall panels and floor panels, assembled on site to form apartment units and corridors. Items such as the external envelope, sub-structure, cores, and finishes are project specific. The typical plan layout shown in the technical manual appears to show that the central stair core is typically constructed of concrete. The UNiwalls and UNipanels are not connected to the core but floors and steel beams are.

The panels currently available are of 200mm thick panels although these will soon be available in a 100mm variant.

The system is intended for the construction of up to five / six storey high apartment buildings, with the top floor being less than 18m above external ground level.

The external and internal wall, floor and roof panel cassettes comprising upper floors, external and internal walls and roof cassettes are transported to site and assembled in sequence on a prepared sub-structure. Foundations and substructure are project specific, and are not included in the apartment system. Ground floor construction is generally insitu concrete, although other forms, such as beam and block, may be used depending on requirements. Foundations are typically Piles/ground beams, raft and traditional strip.

The panels are structurally interconnected to provide composite action in accordance with the requirements of the UK structural codes and as specifically designed for each structure. Wall claddings such as a brick facade or aluminium type cladding system Applied cladding relying on support from the structure must not exceed the loading limits for the structures. Roof finishes, internal walls, finishes, suspended ceilings, fixtures and fittings are also added on site. Components such as electrical conduits and insulation are incorporated within the panels at the factory as can holes for services.

Durabiity Assessment minimum 60 Years

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