
  • Not Assessed


  • Design
  • Manufacture
  • Construction



The Building With Frames Volumetric Building System

System Description

The BWF volumetric system is a lightweight structure predominantly made from timber and sips panels with additional steel to aid with structural stability and transportation. The completed units are transported to site and erected on a pre-prepared base. The units are completely finished in the factory including all internal finishes, service, windows, roof coverings and external cladding. With final connections to services on site.

The floors are formed as cassettes using 2 x 220 x 50 high pressure treated solid timber beams suitable for Classes 1-4 under BS EN 335-1 with steel flitch plates between to the perimeter with a central beam of 4 x 220 x 50 and two flitch plates between. The framework is fully bolted together for structural stability. 220mm JJI Joist are hung between the frame on steel joist hangers and fully fixed. 200mm of insulation is fitted between the joists and the floors are underdrawn with 9mm Versaliner SF sheathing board. The cassette is designed to resist lifting forces and pass all imposed loads to foundations.

Durability Assessment – 60 Years

Limits on scope

  • Maximum 1 storeys for residential use
  • Bottom members minimum 150mm above external ground level
  • Minimum 25mm ventilated cavity behind external wall claddings
  • Adequate sub-floor ventilation must be maintained to the void below the ground floor, in particular where there is no treatment of the ground to prevent moisture entering the void
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