- Approved
- PM Design
- Manufacture
- Construction
- Discovery Homes Ltd. Panelised Timber Framed Building System
Description of the Discovery Homes Panelised Timber Frame Building System
The Discovery Homes Ltd. panelised timber framed building system is intended to be a ‘turnkey’ operation, with foundations, sub-structure, cladding internal and external walls, windows/doors, roof cassettes, internal fixtures, fittings, finishing and services installation constructed by Discovery Homes Ltd. and their approved sub-contractors. The system is supplied as external and internal structural walls, non-loadbearing internal walls, upper floor and ceiling/roof cassettes for site assembly. The wall, floor and ceiling/roof cassettes are connected together to provide composite action in accordance with the structural engineer’s fixing specification to meet the requirements of the UK structural codes, and as specifically designed for each structure. Windows, doors, external cladding, internal finishes, services, fixtures and fittings are site installed following assembly of the cassettes. The system may be used for detached, semi-detached, terraces and apartment residential properties up to two storeys in height.
Limits of Scope
- Maximum two storeys for residential use subject to structural justification;
- Bottom members of the timber frame must be a minimum 150mm above finished ground level and fully isolated from contact with moisture from the ground or external sources;
- Minimum 50mm ventilated and drained cavity behind conventional masonry cladding;
- Minium 25mm drained and ventilated cavity behind external wall claddings, or as required by the manufacturer;
- Some latent defects insurers may require a minimum 15mm ventilated and drained cavity behind insulated render, and insulated brick slip systems, in all exposure areas. This is intended to minimise the risk of water penetration damaging the structural frame, particularly at openings in the wall. Noted that the Steico wall insulation installation manual indicates a sill tray formed from Steico Multi UDB membrane at openings. Workmanship during installation will require careful monitoring;
- Discovery Homes Ltd. must be contracted for the design, manufacture, supply and erection of the structure:
- A qualified structural engineer suitably experienced in the design of this type of structure must be engaged for the structural design and analysis.