
  • Approved


  • Design
  • Construction
  • Manufacture


  • The Greencore Homes Ltd Biond Panelised Timber Frame Building System

Description of Greencore Homes Ltd. Biond Panelised Timber Framed Building System

Durability Assessment: Minimum 60 years

The Greencore Homes Ltd. system is intended to be a ‘turnkey’ operation. The system is supplied as structural external wall cassettes for site assembly, with conventional timber-frame party/separating walls and internal wall panels. Upper floors and flat roofs are typically Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) panels, though metal web joists may be used in some instances. Pitched roofs may either be site installed utilizing standard trussed rafters or prefabricated roof cassettes. The panels are transported to site and assembled upon a prepared sub-structure. The external and internal wall, floor panels and roofs are connected together to provide composite action in accordance with the structural engineer’s fixing specification to meet the requirements of the UK structural codes, and as specifically designed for each structure. External cladding, windows, doors, internal finishes and services are installed on site. The system may be used for single houses, semi-detached, terraced, apartment blocks and commercial premises up to four storeys in height.

Limits on scope

  • Maximum 4 storeys for residential use subject to structural justification;
  •  Bottom members of the timber frame must be a minimum 150mm above finished ground level and be fully isolated from contact with moisture from the ground or external sources;
  • Minimum 50mm ventilated cavity behind conventional masonry cavity;
  • Minimum 25mm ventilated and drained cavity behind external wall claddings, or as required by the manufacturer;
  • Greencore Construction Ltd. must be contracted for the design, manufacture, supply and erection of the structure;
  • A qualified structural engineer suitably experienced in the design of this type of structure must be engaged for the structural analysis and design.
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