- Approved
- Design
- Manufacture
- PM Construction
- MMC Eco Homes Structural Insulated Panel Building System
MMC Eco Homes Structural Insulated Panel Building System
The MMC Eco Homes Ltd Structural Insulated Panel can be used in a non-load bearing scenario on multi storey buildings with a suitably designed steel or concrete frame.
Delivery to site is as external SIP wall sections, internal studwork walling, floor cassettes incorporating solid and engineered joists. Internal and external finishes will be factory applied where practical to minimise onsite labour.
External Walls are SIP panels and produced in house with a full quality control regime and are used in the system for the external structural walls, each comprise two skins of 12mm thickness OSB3 separated by a core of auto adhered rigid polyurethane insulation.
Overall panel thickness ranges from 100mm to 250mm. Generally 150mm are used in external walls and 100mm in party walls, for enhanced thermal performance thicker panels can be used. Panels are normally manufactured to the required storey height typically in the range 2.3m to 3.0m, and in standard board widths of 1.2 or 1.25m. Producing to an exact height minimises waste of foam. Panels are then machined to sizes and shapes in accordance with the design of the building being constructed, together with structural timber elements as specified by Structural engineer. They are assembled in factory to produce wall sections to which then internal and external finishes are added.
Durability Assessment – 60 Years
Limits on scope
- Maximum 3 storeys including room-in-roof
- Bottom members minimum 150mm above external ground level
- Minimum 25mm ventilated cavity behind external wall claddings
- Adequate sub-floor ventilation must be maintained to the void below suspended ground floors (where specified), in particular where there is no treatment of the ground to prevent moisture entering the void
- Conventional cladding, such as timber cladding, should have a minimum 25mm drained and ventilated back cavity
- Detailing should be considered to minimise the risk of water entering the structure at vulnerable junctions, for example window jamb/sill junctions