
  • Approved


  • PM Design
  • PM Manufacture
  • PM Construction


  • Redten Ltd Timber Frame system

Description of the REDTEN Ltd Timber Frame system

REDTEN Ltd is a design and build company offering high quality prefabricated closed panel timber frame buildings and construction. The building can be supplied as either a panelised system of a fully fitted out factory finished volumetric module. The panels or modules are manufactured by Gibbs Timber frame Ltd at their factory before being loaded onto standard Lorries and transported to sites though-out the UK and erected. They provide closed panel internal and external load bearing walls along with floor and roof panels.

Limits on scope

  • Maximum 3 storeys for residential and public use;
  • Bottom members minimum 238mm above external ground level;
  • Minimum 25mm drained and ventilated cavity behind external wall claddings;
  • Adequate sub-floor ventilation must be maintained to the void below the ground floor this is site specific
  • Ground below ground module floor must be sealed to limit moisture within the void, e.g., sand covering.
  • Sheathing board used in the construction must be third party approved for the proposed use (e.g., BBA, KIWA, ETA). All fixings to the supporting structure must be stainless or hardened steel. Relative Humidity in the cavity behind the wall cladding must not exceed 85% for extended periods.
  • REDTEN Ltd must be contracted for the design, manufacture, supply
  • A chartered structural engineer suitably experienced in the design of this type of structure must be sub- contracted for the structural analysis and design.
  • Masonry wall cladding cavities should be minimum 50mm and ventilated.
  • Conventional cladding, such as timber cladding, should have a minimum 25mm drained back-cavity, or as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Rendered external thermal insulation systems and/or insulated brick slip cladding systems applied to timber frame structures must have a minimum 25mm drained back-cavity.
  • The structural analysis and design for the structure is undertaken by approved Structural Engineers.
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