
BOPAS was developed to evaluate and accredit Modern Methods of Construction [MMC] providers that perform design, manufacture, construction and/or project management activities within the MMC sector. The evaluation process comprises an assessment of the integrity of both the construction system and the processes by which that system is designed, manufactured, and constructed, or project managed against the requirements as detailed within the BOPAS standard available for download here

BOPAS assess individual systems and components that can form part of a traditional build or as part of a MMC based structure.

The BOPAS Process

The MMC Providers involved in the development of MMC Systems are rigorously audited and assessed to ensure that the construction systems validated for integrity, durability and performance are delivered using process which conform to current good/best practice as defined in the BOPAS standard, in order to ensure they consistently meet customer expectations.


Accreditation Database

BOPAS Accreditation Database

The accredited designers, manufacturers and constructors involved in offsite system development are rigorously audited and approved to ensure best practice is adhered to throughout the delivery process and to ensure their construction systems are validated. 


Technical Guidance

For more information on the requirements for completing the BOPAS Accreditation you will find details here
